Tried connecting old Windows 2000 laptop to car yesterday to see if I could get the error codes. This failed for a couple reasons:
- TunerPro RT version 4 is an outdated version of the software. Cannot go to version 5 because it will not run on Windows 2000 - needs at least XP SP3.
- Configuration files (.ads, .bin, .xdf) were either outdated or incorrect
- Laptop will not run on battery. Had to stay parked and plugged into extension cord.
- It was raining. Had to run car half in/half out of garage.
- After a few minutes of idling the car exhaust fumes from fuel pump access hole were a bit too much.
Today was spent on couch:
- Researched and acquired latest config files
- Upgraded VMWare Fusion virtual machine software on my Macbook Air. The old version I had been using does not run on Yosemite. This allows me to run XP Pro on my Mac.
- Upgraded TunerPro RT to latest version.
- Learned where to look in the software for error codes