Sunday, March 22, 2015

TunerPro RT

I am using TunerPro RT ( to scan the car's ECM.

Tried connecting old Windows 2000 laptop to car yesterday to see if I could get the error codes.  This failed for a couple reasons:

  1. TunerPro RT version 4 is an outdated version of the software.  Cannot go to version 5 because it will not run on Windows 2000 - needs at least XP SP3.
  2. Configuration files (.ads, .bin, .xdf) were either outdated or incorrect
  3. Laptop will not run on battery.  Had to stay parked and plugged into extension cord.
  4. It was raining.  Had to run car half in/half out of garage.
  5. After a few minutes of idling the car exhaust fumes from fuel pump access hole were a bit too much.
Today was spent on couch:
  1. Researched and acquired latest config files
  2. Upgraded VMWare Fusion virtual machine software on my Macbook Air.  The old version I had been using does not run on Yosemite.  This allows me to run XP Pro on my Mac.
  3. Upgraded TunerPro RT to latest version.
  4. Learned where to look in the software for error codes
I am now ready to connect my mac to the car.

Version 5 seems to be running and configured properly for the Camaro.

As this pic shows, the case has the common 01227730/AZTY ECM.